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2023-24 Band Banquet

2023-24 Band Banquet

As the school year draws to a close, we’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming band banquet! It’s been an incredible journey, filled with harmonious melodies, spirited performances, and unforgettable moments. Our talented musicians have practiced tirelessly, and their dedication has truly paid off.

🌟 A Year to Remember: This year has been nothing short of amazing. From halftime shows that rocked the bleachers to heartwarming winter concerts, our band has left an indelible mark on Indy this year. We’ve grown not just as musicians, but as a tight-knit family. Each note played, each drumbeat resonated — it all contributed to a symphony of memories we’ll cherish forever.


🎓 Celebrating Our Seniors: To our graduating seniors, this banquet is for you! You’ve marched through rain and sunshine, shared laughter, and inspired us all. As you prepare to step into the next chapter of your lives, know that your legacy lives on in every trumpet blast and flute trill. We’re proud of you, and we can’t wait to see where your musical journey takes you.


👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parents and Kids Unite: Parents, you’ve been our unwavering supporters—whether it was driving for hours on a Friday night, chaperoning, or cheering from the sidelines. Your dedication has been the backbone of our success. And kids, you’ve brought energy and enthusiasm to every practice. Let’s celebrate together, as one big band family!


🎊 Details:

  • Date: Thursday, May 2nd

  • Time: 6PM

  • Venue: Homestead Manor

  • Attire: Dress to impress - formal if you have it!

Get Your Tickets Here!

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