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The Indy Band:
Marching Band and
Fall Color Guard Handbook

Hello and Welcome to the Independence High School Marching Band! I am so excited that you have chosen this place to be your home! On behalf of the directors, staff, and veteran members, we hope that you are challenged and pushed here, but also find a rewarding experience! High school is an amazing time in your life full of new experiences and learning opportunities. We feel honored you have chosen the marching band as a place for you to belong and a tribe for you to be a part of. Push yourself these next four years because we can not wait to see the amazing things you accomplish!



The WCS Board approved fee for Marching Band is $300. (Check made out to IHS)

Rookies are asked to pay an additional $200 to cover the cost of their uniforms. (Please write a separate check made out to IHS PTSO IBC)

This is required in order to participate in Marching Band or Color Guard.

This is due no later than the first day of Band Camp.

If there are any financial issues, please email the director to discuss a solution. 

You may email him at:


Money should NOT be the reason your student does not participate in marching band or color guard.


Attendance Policy

Late to a rehearsal or performance:

Students are expected to be on time to start rehearsals.

The start time of the event is the start time NOT when you should show up.

Students should show up at least 30 minutes before the start of a rehearsal

Performances will have a scheduled call time for students to show up.

Absences from a rehearsal and performance:

Students are expected to be at ALL rehearsals and performances. Anything that can be scheduled should be scheduled around all rehearsals and performances.

Any unexcused rehearsal or performance absence could result in you not being eligible to participate in the halftime performance of the next football game. Frequent absences will result in a parent conference to discuss future eligibility in the organization.

Homework and grades are not a valid excuse for missing a rehearsal or performance.

Please, email me and we can come up with a plan to help them raise their grades.

Holding them out of rehearsal due to homework or grades hurts the entire ensemble, not just your student.

We all know things and events come up. In the real world, people get paid-time-off (PTO) or some form of sick/personal leave. With this in mind, students are allowed to miss rehearsals and performances as long as they are communicated well in advance (~2 weeks). They will need to email the director stating the date missing and the specific reason for their absence.

Frequent requests to miss, may result in you being pulled from the ensemble.

Please note, if there was new material taught, we may ask you to sit out a performance for the safety of the other performers.

Emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis. Parents should email in the event of an emergency as soon as possible.

Parents and students should work together to ensure they are at every rehearsal and performance at the correct time or communicating absences.


“Individual commitment to a group effort – That is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi


Behavior Expectations

The IHS Band Program is the most public organization on campus. We perform in our community and throughout the Southeast region representing Independence HS, Thompson’s Station, Williamson County, and the state of Tennessee. Because of this, students are expected to behave with the highest standard in mind at all times, even off the field.

Students in the IHS Band Program are expected to not engage in any negative behavior while they are IHS Band students.

We leave places better than we found them.

We take care of and hold each other’s actions accountable.

Repercussions for students who choose to behave in a way not indicative of the IHS Band could include:

Student/Teacher Conference

Student/Parent/Teacher Conference

Detentions, ISS, or other IHS Discipline Procedures

Staying late or arriving early to help the director

Physical training (laps, push-ups, etc…)


Academic Policy

Students in the IHS Band Program are held to the highest standard this includes in academics as well.

During marching season, students are expected to maintain their grades and assignments.

Students are asked to maintain above a failing grade in all of their courses (including band).

Any student whose grades fall below a 70 in two classes will not be eligible to travel with us to away games until their average is pulled up. The only exception to this policy is through a student having a conference with the director, and we discuss a plan to help raise their grade.


Travel rules

Max two people per seat

You must ride the same bus every trip

The front two seats are reserved for chaperones/directors/staff

Only one person per blanket

No loud music

No yelling

No standing

When leaving the bus for the last time, please, put up your windows and clean up your trash.

You will be called back on the bus if it is dirty to clean it.

Leave the bus better than you found it.

We want to do everything in our power to arrive safely to our destination. That starts with us allowing the bus driver to focus on their driving. Please be mindful and do not become a distraction.

Uniform rules

Keep your uniform clean.

Be careful when eating and drinking.

When in the eyes of the public, you are always in uniform of some kind.

The director will let you know what that uniform is prior to any performance

No one gets to wear parts of your uniform.

If they have not gone through the rehearsals and put in the work, they do not get to wear the uniform. This includes significant others, siblings, parents, family members, and friends. It is your uniform, not theirs.

You will always hang up your marching uniform the correct way and put it back neatly in your garment bag and uniform room.


Rehearsal Expectations

Show up early! At least 30 minutes before the start of rehearsal

Be prepared! Have the following items:

Water Jug


Dot book

Flip Folder



Wear the proper attire

Treat all staff with respect

Be there to rehearse not to socialize


U.S. Flag Subscription Volunteer Expectation

Every student and parent is asked and expected to volunteer for at least one (1) flag holiday. These holidays are on a first come, first serve basis. Please sign up early. 


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